
Field Names Reference

This acts as a reference for what each field name represents. When data is exported from Forms on Fire, it is labeled with its field name, a short code that uniquely identifies that field. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the most descriptive label.

Check below to see what question each field name corresponds to. Questions labeled (PAGE), (INFO), or (ACTION) are static fields, and do not receive any data from users.

To quickly search, try opening your browser’s Find in Page search by pressing ctrl + F. Then, type the name of the field as it appears in the spreadsheet.

Built-In Forms on Fire Fields

Field Name Description
RowId Numerical ID for each data entry.
Completed Date of submission completion.
CompletedBy Name of the ACCOUNT that completed the form. This is not the submitting participant's name!
Started Date and time the form was started.
Received Date and time the submission was received by the database.
CompletedAt Coordinates where the participant completed the form. This can be ignored.

Registration Data Fields

Field Name Question
personalInfo (PAGE) Personal Information
instructions (INFO) Instructions to user to fill out the form.
dateCurrent Date
name Name
dateofBirth Date of Birth
personalID Personal Identification Number
county In which PA county are you located right now?
streetAddress Street Address
city City
state State
zipCode ZIP Code
telephone Telephone
email Email Address
socialMedia LinkedIn / Facebook URL
Nav1 (ACTION) Navigation buttons for Page 1
demographics (PAGE) Demographic Information
gender Gender Identity
otherGender Other gender identity
pronouns Preferred Pronouns
otherPronouns Other pronouns
race Race / Ethnicity
otherRace Other race/ethnicity
citizenStatus Are you a US Citizen?
alienNumber ALIEN Registration Number
returningCitizen Are you a returning citizen (ex-offender)?
selectiveService Are you registered with Selective Service?
veteran Are you a veteran or active Service member?
Nav2 (ACTION) Navigation buttons for Page 2
serviceRecord (PAGE) Service Record
branchOfService Branch of Service
typeOfService Type of Service
discharged Have you been discharged?
dischargeType Discharge Type
entryDate Entry Date
dischargeDate Discharge Date
serviceDisability Do you have a Service-connected Disability Rating?
serviceDisabilityRating Disability Rating Percentage
militarySpouseConditions Are you the spouse of a veteran who
militarySpouseMarried Are you still married to the veteran referenced in the previous question?
Nav3 (ACTION) Navigation buttons for Page 3
visitReason (PAGE) Reason for Visit
visitReasonChoice Why are you here today?
workshop Workshop:
workshopCustom Other workshop:
appointment Appointment:
otherReason Other:
employerVisit Are you here to see a specific employer?
specificEmployer Employer:
circumstancesChoice Please check all that apply:
Nav4 (ACTION) Navigation buttons for Page 4
confirmSubmission (PAGE) Confirm Submission
submitConfirmInfo (INFO) Instructions for submission
cwds1 (INFO) CWDS registration instructions part 1
cwds2 (INFO) CWDS registration instructions part 2
Nav5 (ACTION) Navigation and submission buttons for Page 5