
Creating Programs

Table of Contents

  1. How to Create a Blank Program
  2. How to Access Program Settings
  3. Program Settings
    1. Basics
    2. Application
    3. Eligibility
    4. Extras
  4. Finalizing Program Settings

How to Create a Blank Program

  1. Click the **+ Create Program++ button in the top-right corner of the Dashboard.
  2. The Program Settings screen will appear. Enter any details about this program in the fields. These can be edited later.
  3. Click Save to commit your changes.

How to Access Program Settings

  1. If your program is not launched:

    1. Click the Program Settings button on the program tile or the program’s name.

  2. If your program has been launched:

    1. Click the three dots () next to the program title.
    2. Click Edit Program.

Program Settings

This section will explain each setting available in the Program Settings page. There are four sections of settings for programs:





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Setting Description
Title This is the title of the program. This is displayed to users who view the site. Serves as an identifier to differentiate programs from one another.
Award Value Choose whether you wish to have a monetary value attached to your program. The options are as follows:
  • Exactly: A specific value
  • Range: An award amount between two values
  • None: When you have no monetary value to associate with your program
  • Custom: An award that does not have a specific monetary value